List Owner(s)
Enter the names and emails of those who will act as owners of the list, as follows:First Name, email First Name, email etc.
The first owner will act as "administrator" and will receive responses from Listserv.
Do not enter any email forwarding aliases -- you must be able to send emails "as" the email address used to register you as list owner.
If the list will require moderation, the owner(s) will be set as editor(s)/moderator(s)
List Type
Announce-Only List
Used to distribute a newsletter or other timely information where responses to the list are neither expected nor desired.
Private Discussion List
Similar to public discussion lists, but with varying restrictions on who may subscribe, who may post and who may view the archives. Such lists are relatively safe from random spamming since typically only a subscriber can post.
Edited List
Requires a human editor to approve messages sent to the list. You can define multiple editors, but only the first editor will receive postings for approval. Anyone defined as an editor may post directly to the list without further intervention.
Moderated List
Similar to an edited list, but for LISTSERV's purposes it refers to a list that uses the Moderator= list header keyword to "load-share" posting approvals among several editors. This list will "load-share" the approval process between the three moderators, who will each receive one-third of the postings for approval. Note that a primary editor should still be defined. If the parameter "All" is coded at the beginning of the list of moderators, LISTSERV will send copies of all postings to all moderators, any of whom may approve the message.
Self-Moderated list
In addition to the Editor, the list (i.e., all subscribers) are set up as editors. In this way, all subscribers of the list are list editors, and thus eligible to send messages directly to the list without editor intervention. Postings from non-subscribers are deflected to the primary owner for his or her disposition.
Private Edited/Moderated List
Subscribers can post with editor or moderator intervention, but postings received from non-subscribers are rejected with a note to the poster stating that they are not allowed to post. There is a list Editor and Moderator in this setup.
Semi-Moderated List
Similar to an Edited list but any subsriber needing to send an "urgent" message to the list simply types "Urgent:" in the subject line of their mail, followed by the subject of the message. Messages that do not have the "Urgent:" subject are forwarded to the list editor for approval as usual. Messages with an "Urgent:" subject originating from non-subscribers are rejected. Set up this list type *very sparingly* as the "Urgent:" feature can be misused.